Source code for pysmt.fnode

# This file is part of pySMT.
#   Copyright 2014 Andrea Micheli and Marco Gario
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.
"""FNode are the building blocks of formulae."""
import collections
import pysmt
import pysmt.smtlib
from pysmt.operators import (FORALL, EXISTS, AND, OR, NOT, IMPLIES, IFF,
                             SYMBOL, FUNCTION,
                             REAL_CONSTANT, BOOL_CONSTANT, INT_CONSTANT,
                             PLUS, MINUS, TIMES, DIV,
                             LE, LT, EQUALS,
                             BV_CONSTANT, BV_NOT, BV_AND, BV_OR, BV_XOR,
                             BV_CONCAT, BV_EXTRACT,
                             BV_ULT, BV_ULE, BV_NEG, BV_ADD, BV_SUB,
                             BV_MUL, BV_UDIV, BV_UREM,
                             BV_LSHL, BV_LSHR,
                             BV_ROL, BV_ROR,
                             BV_ZEXT, BV_SEXT,
                             BV_SLT, BV_SLE,
                             BV_SDIV, BV_SREM,
                             STR_LENGTH, STR_CONCAT, STR_CONTAINS,
                             STR_INDEXOF, STR_REPLACE, STR_SUBSTR,
                             STR_PREFIXOF, STR_SUFFIXOF,
                             STR_TO_INT, INT_TO_STR,
                             ARRAY_SELECT, ARRAY_STORE, ARRAY_VALUE,

from pysmt.operators import  (BOOL_OPERATORS, THEORY_OPERATORS,
                              BV_OPERATORS, IRA_OPERATORS, ARRAY_OPERATORS,
                              RELATIONS, CONSTANTS)

from pysmt.typing import BOOL, REAL, INT, BVType, STRING
from pysmt.decorators import deprecated, assert_infix_enabled
from pysmt.utils import twos_complement
from pysmt.constants import (Fraction, is_python_integer,
                             is_python_rational, is_python_boolean)
from pysmt.exceptions import (PysmtValueError, PysmtModeError,

FNodeContent = collections.namedtuple("FNodeContent",
                                      ["node_type", "args", "payload"])

[docs]class FNode(object): r"""FNode represent the basic structure for representing a formula. FNodes are built using the FormulaManager, and should not be explicitly instantiated, since the FormulaManager takes care of memoization, thus guaranteeing that equivalent are represented by the same object. An FNode is a wrapper to the structure FNodeContent. FNodeContent defines the type of the node (see, its arguments (e.g., for the formula A /\ B, args=(A,B)) and its payload, content of the node that is not an FNode (e.g., for an integer constant, the payload might be the python value 1). The node_id is an integer uniquely identifying the node within the FormulaManager it belongs. """ __slots__ = ["_content", "_node_id"] def __init__(self, content, node_id): self._content = content self._node_id = node_id return # __eq__ is left as default while __hash__ uses the node id. This # is because we always have shared FNodes, hence in a single # environment two nodes have always different ids, but in # different environments they can have the same id. This is not an # issue since, by default, equality coincides with identity. def __hash__(self): return self._node_id def node_id(self): return self._node_id def node_type(self): return self._content.node_type
[docs] def args(self): """Returns the subformulae.""" return self._content.args
[docs] def arg(self, idx): """Return the given subformula at the given position.""" return self._content.args[idx]
[docs] def get_free_variables(self): """Return the set of Symbols that are free in the formula.""" return _env().fvo.get_free_variables(self)
[docs] def get_atoms(self): """Return the set of atoms appearing in the formula.""" return _env().ao.get_atoms(self)
[docs] def simplify(self): """Return a simplified version of the formula.""" return _env().simplifier.simplify(self)
[docs] def substitute(self, subs, interpretations=None): """Return a formula in which subformula have been substituted. subs is a dictionary mapping terms to be substituted with their substitution. interpretations is a dictionary mapping function symbols to an FunctionInterpretation objects describing the semantics of the function. """ return _env().substituter.substitute(self, subs=subs, interpretations=interpretations)
[docs] def size(self, measure=None): """Return the size of the formula according to the given metric. See :py:class:`SizeOracle` """ return _env().sizeo.get_size(self, measure)
[docs] def get_type(self): """Return the type of the formula by calling the Type-Checker. See :py:class:`SimpleTypeChecker` """ return _env().stc.get_type(self)
[docs] def is_constant(self, _type=None, value=None): """Test whether the formula is a constant. Optionally, check that the constant is of the given type and value. """ if self.node_type() not in CONSTANTS: if self.node_type() == ARRAY_VALUE: # An array value can be a constant if all its children # are constants for c in self.args(): if not c.is_constant(): return False if _type is not None or value is not None: raise PysmtValueError("constant type and value checking " \ "is not available for array values") return True return False if _type is not None: if _type.is_int_type() and self.node_type() != INT_CONSTANT: return False if _type.is_real_type() and self.node_type() != REAL_CONSTANT: return False if _type.is_bool_type() and self.node_type() != BOOL_CONSTANT: return False if _type.is_string_type() and self.node_type() != STR_CONSTANT: return False if _type.is_bv_type(): if self.node_type() != BV_CONSTANT: return False if self._content.payload[1] != _type.width: return False if value is not None: return value == self.constant_value() return True
[docs] def is_bool_constant(self, value=None): """Test whether the formula is a Boolean constant. Optionally, check that the constant has the given value. """ return self.is_constant(BOOL, value)
[docs] def is_real_constant(self, value=None): """Test whether the formula is a Real constant. Optionally, check that the constant has the given value. """ return self.is_constant(REAL, value)
[docs] def is_int_constant(self, value=None): """Test whether the formula is an Integer constant. Optionally, check that the constant has the given value. """ return self.is_constant(INT, value)
[docs] def is_bv_constant(self, value=None, width=None): """Test whether the formula is a BitVector constant. Optionally, check that the constant has the given value. """ if value is None and width is None: return self.node_type() == BV_CONSTANT if width is None: return self.is_constant(value=value) else: return self.is_constant(_type=BVType(width=width), value=value)
[docs] def is_string_constant(self, value=None): """Test whether the formula is a String constant. Optionally, check that the constant has the given value. """ return self.is_constant(STRING, value)
[docs] def is_algebraic_constant(self): """Test whether the formula is an Algebraic Constant""" return self.node_type() == ALGEBRAIC_CONSTANT
[docs] def is_symbol(self, type_=None): """Test whether the formula is a Symbol. Optionally, check that the symbol has the given type. """ if type_: return self.node_type() == SYMBOL and \ self.symbol_type() == type_ return self.node_type() == SYMBOL
[docs] def is_literal(self): """Test whether the formula is a literal. A literal is a positive or negative Boolean symbol. """ if self.is_symbol(BOOL): return True if self.is_not(): return self.arg(0).is_symbol(BOOL)
[docs] def is_true(self): """Test whether the formula is the True Boolean constant.""" return self.is_bool_constant(True)
[docs] def is_false(self): """Test whether the formula is the False Boolean constant.""" return self.is_bool_constant(False)
def is_one(self): return self.is_real_constant(1) or self.is_int_constant(1) def is_zero(self): return self.is_real_constant(0) or self.is_int_constant(0)
[docs] def is_toreal(self): """Test whether the node is the ToReal operator.""" return self.node_type() == TOREAL
[docs] def is_forall(self): """Test whether the node is the ForAll operator.""" return self.node_type() == FORALL
[docs] def is_exists(self): """Test whether the node is the Exists operator.""" return self.node_type() == EXISTS
[docs] def is_quantifier(self): """Test whether the node is a Quantifier.""" return self.is_exists() or self.is_forall()
[docs] def is_and(self): """Test whether the node is the And operator.""" return self.node_type() == AND
[docs] def is_or(self): """Test whether the node is the Or operator.""" return self.node_type() == OR
[docs] def is_not(self): """Test whether the node is the Not operator.""" return self.node_type() == NOT
[docs] def is_plus(self): """Test whether the node is the Plus operator.""" return self.node_type() == PLUS
[docs] def is_minus(self): """Test whether the node is the Minus operator.""" return self.node_type() == MINUS
[docs] def is_times(self): """Test whether the node is the Times operator.""" return self.node_type() == TIMES
[docs] def is_div(self): """Test whether the node is the Division operator.""" return self.node_type() == DIV
[docs] def is_implies(self): """Test whether the node is the Implies operator.""" return self.node_type() == IMPLIES
[docs] def is_iff(self): """Test whether the node is the Iff operator.""" return self.node_type() == IFF
[docs] def is_ite(self): """Test whether the node is the Ite operator.""" return self.node_type() == ITE
[docs] def is_equals(self): """Test whether the node is the Equals operator.""" return self.node_type() == EQUALS
[docs] def is_le(self): """Test whether the node is the LE (less than equal) relation.""" return self.node_type() == LE
[docs] def is_lt(self): """Test whether the node is the LT (less than) relation.""" return self.node_type() == LT
[docs] def is_bool_op(self): """Test whether the node is a Boolean operator.""" return self.node_type() in BOOL_OPERATORS
[docs] def is_theory_relation(self): """Test whether the node is a theory relation.""" return self.node_type() in RELATIONS
[docs] def is_theory_op(self): """Test whether the node is a theory operator.""" return self.node_type() in THEORY_OPERATORS
[docs] def is_ira_op(self): """Test whether the node is an Int or Real Arithmetic operator.""" return self.node_type() in IRA_OPERATORS
@deprecated("is_isa_op") def is_lira_op(self): """Test whether the node is a IRA operator.""" return self.node_type() in IRA_OPERATORS
[docs] def is_bv_op(self): """Test whether the node is a BitVector operator.""" return self.node_type() in BV_OPERATORS
[docs] def is_array_op(self): """Test whether the node is an array operator.""" return self.node_type() in ARRAY_OPERATORS
[docs] def is_bv_not(self): """Test whether the node is the BVNot operator.""" return self.node_type() == BV_NOT
[docs] def is_bv_and(self): """Test whether the node is the BVAnd operator.""" return self.node_type() == BV_AND
[docs] def is_bv_or(self): """Test whether the node is the BVOr operator.""" return self.node_type() == BV_OR
[docs] def is_bv_xor(self): """Test whether the node is the BVXor operator.""" return self.node_type() == BV_XOR
[docs] def is_bv_concat(self): """Test whether the node is the BVConcat operator.""" return self.node_type() == BV_CONCAT
[docs] def is_bv_extract(self): """Test whether the node is the BVConcat operator.""" return self.node_type() == BV_EXTRACT
[docs] def is_bv_ult(self): """Test whether the node is the BVULT (unsigned less than) relation.""" return self.node_type() == BV_ULT
[docs] def is_bv_ule(self): """Test whether the node is the BVULE (unsigned less than) relation.""" return self.node_type() == BV_ULE
[docs] def is_bv_neg(self): """Test whether the node is the BVNeg operator.""" return self.node_type() == BV_NEG
[docs] def is_bv_add(self): """Test whether the node is the BVAdd operator.""" return self.node_type() == BV_ADD
[docs] def is_bv_mul(self): """Test whether the node is the BVMul operator.""" return self.node_type() == BV_MUL
[docs] def is_bv_udiv(self): """Test whether the node is the BVUDiv operator.""" return self.node_type() == BV_UDIV
[docs] def is_bv_urem(self): """Test whether the node is the BVURem operator.""" return self.node_type() == BV_UREM
[docs] def is_bv_lshl(self): """Test whether the node is the BVLShl (logical shift left) operator.""" return self.node_type() == BV_LSHL
[docs] def is_bv_lshr(self): """Test whether the node is the BVLShr (logical shift right) operator.""" return self.node_type() == BV_LSHR
[docs] def is_bv_rol(self): """Test whether the node is the BVRol (rotate left) operator.""" return self.node_type() == BV_ROL
[docs] def is_bv_ror(self): """Test whether the node is the BVRor (rotate right) operator.""" return self.node_type() == BV_ROR
[docs] def is_bv_zext(self): """Test whether the node is the BVZext (zero extension) operator.""" return self.node_type() == BV_ZEXT
[docs] def is_bv_sext(self): """Test whether the node is the BVSext (signed extension) operator.""" return self.node_type() == BV_SEXT
[docs] def is_bv_sub(self): """Test whether the node is the BVSub (subtraction) operator.""" return self.node_type() == BV_SUB
[docs] def is_bv_slt(self): """Test whether the node is the BVSLT (signed less-than) operator.""" return self.node_type() == BV_SLT
[docs] def is_bv_sle(self): """Test whether the node is the BVSLE (signed less-than-or-equal-to) operator.""" return self.node_type() == BV_SLE
[docs] def is_bv_comp(self): """Test whether the node is the BVComp (comparison) operator.""" return self.node_type() == BV_COMP
[docs] def is_bv_sdiv(self): """Test whether the node is the BVSDiv (signed division) operator.""" return self.node_type() == BV_SDIV
[docs] def is_bv_srem(self): """Test whether the node is the BVSRem (signed reminder) operator.""" return self.node_type() == BV_SREM
[docs] def is_bv_ashr(self): """Test whether the node is the BVAshr (arithmetic shift right) operator.""" return self.node_type() == BV_ASHR
[docs] def is_select(self): """Test whether the node is the SELECT (array select) operator.""" return self.node_type() == ARRAY_SELECT
[docs] def is_store(self): """Test whether the node is the STORE (array store) operator.""" return self.node_type() == ARRAY_STORE
[docs] def is_array_value(self): """Test whether the node is an array value operator.""" return self.node_type() == ARRAY_VALUE
[docs] def bv_width(self): """Return the BV width of the formula.""" if self.is_bv_constant(): return self._content.payload[1] elif self.is_symbol(): assert self.symbol_type().is_bv_type() return self.symbol_type().width elif self.is_function_application(): # Return width defined in the declaration return self.function_name().symbol_type().return_type.width elif self.is_ite(): # Recursively call bv_width on the left child # (The right child has the same width if the node is well-formed) width_l = self.arg(1).bv_width() return width_l elif self.is_select(): # This must be a select over an array with BV value type ty = self.arg(0).get_type() return ty.elem_type.width else: # BV Operator assert self.is_bv_op(), "Unsupported method bv_width on %s" % self return self._content.payload[0]
[docs] def bv_extract_start(self): """Return the starting index for BVExtract.""" assert self.is_bv_extract() return self._content.payload[1]
[docs] def bv_extract_end(self): """Return the ending index for BVExtract.""" assert self.is_bv_extract() return self._content.payload[2]
[docs] def bv_rotation_step(self): """Return the rotation step for BVRor and BVRol.""" assert self.is_bv_ror() or self.is_bv_rol() return self._content.payload[1]
[docs] def bv_extend_step(self): """Return the extension step for BVZext and BVSext.""" assert self.is_bv_zext() or self.is_bv_sext() return self._content.payload[1]
def __str__(self): return self.serialize(threshold=5) def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs] def serialize(self, threshold=None): """Returns a human readable representation of the formula. The threshold parameter can be used to limit the amount of the formula that will be printed. See :py:class:`HRSerializer` """ return _env().serializer.serialize(self, threshold=threshold)
[docs] def to_smtlib(self, daggify=True): """Returns a Smt-Lib string representation of the formula. The daggify parameter can be used to switch from a linear-size representation that uses 'let' operators to represent the formula as a dag or a simpler (but possibly exponential) representation that expands the formula as a tree. See :py:class:`SmtPrinter` """ return pysmt.smtlib.printers.to_smtlib(self, daggify=daggify)
[docs] def is_function_application(self): """Test whether the node is a Function application.""" return self.node_type() == FUNCTION
[docs] def is_term(self): """Test whether the node is a term. All nodes are terms, except for function definitions. """ return not (self.is_symbol() and self.symbol_type().is_function_type())
def is_str_op(self): return self.node_type() in STR_OPERATORS
[docs] def symbol_type(self): """Return the type of the Symbol.""" assert self.is_symbol() return self._content.payload[1]
[docs] def symbol_name(self): """Return the name of the Symbol.""" assert self.is_symbol() return self._content.payload[0]
[docs] def constant_value(self): """Return the value of the Constant.""" assert self.is_constant() if self.node_type() == BV_CONSTANT: return self._content.payload[0] return self._content.payload
[docs] def constant_type(self): """Return the type of the Constant.""" if self.node_type() == INT_CONSTANT: return INT elif self.node_type() == REAL_CONSTANT: return REAL elif self.node_type() == BOOL_CONSTANT: return BOOL elif self.node_type() == STR_CONSTANT: return STRING else: assert self.node_type() == BV_CONSTANT,\ "Unsupported method constant_type '%s'" % self return BVType(width=self.bv_width())
[docs] def bv2nat(self): """Return the unsigned value encoded by the BitVector.""" return self.bv_unsigned_value()
[docs] def bv_unsigned_value(self): """Return the unsigned value encoded by the BitVector.""" return self.constant_value()
[docs] def bv_signed_value(self): """Return the signed value encoded by the BitVector.""" return twos_complement(self.constant_value(), self.bv_width())
[docs] def bv_str(self, fmt='b'): """Return a string representation of the BitVector. fmt: 'b' : Binary 'd' : Decimal 'x' : Hexadecimal The representation is always unsigned """ if fmt == 'b': fstr = '{0:0%db}' % self.bv_width() elif fmt == 'd': fstr = '{}' else: assert fmt == 'x', "Unknown option %s" % str(fmt) fstr = '{0:0%dx}' % (self.bv_width()/4) str_ = fstr.format(self.constant_value()) return str_
[docs] def bv_bin_str(self, reverse=False): """Return the binary representation of the BitVector as string. The reverse option is provided to deal with MSB/LSB. """ bitstr = self.bv_str(fmt='b') if reverse: bitstr = bitstr[::-1] return bitstr
def array_value_index_type(self): assert self.is_array_value() return self._content.payload
[docs] def array_value_get(self, index): """Returns the value of this Array Value at the given index. The index must be a constant of the correct type. This function is equivalent (but possibly faster) than the following code:: m = self.array_value_assigned_values_map() try: return m[index] except KeyError: return self.array_value_default() """ assert index.is_constant() args = self.args() start = 0 end = (len(args) - 1) // 2 while (end - start) > 0: pivot = (end + start) // 2 i = args[2 * pivot + 1] if id(i) == id(index): return args[2 * pivot + 2] elif id(i) > id(index): end = pivot else: start = pivot + 1 return self.array_value_default()
def array_value_assigned_values_map(self): args = self.args() return dict(zip(args[1::2], args[2::2])) def array_value_default(self): return self.args()[0]
[docs] def function_name(self): """Return the Function name.""" assert self.is_function_application() return self._content.payload
[docs] def quantifier_vars(self): """Return the list of quantified variables.""" assert self.is_quantifier() return self._content.payload
def algebraic_approx_value(self, precision=10): value = self.constant_value() approx = value.approx(precision) return approx.as_fraction() # Infix Notation @assert_infix_enabled def _apply_infix(self, right, function, bv_function=None): # Default bv_function to function if bv_function is None: bv_function = function right = self._infix_prepare_arg(right, self.get_type()) if self.get_type().is_bv_type(): return bv_function(self, right) return function(self, right) @assert_infix_enabled def _infix_prepare_arg(self, arg, expected_type): mgr = _mgr() if isinstance(arg, FNode): return arg # BVs if expected_type.is_bv_type(): return mgr.BV(arg, width=expected_type.width) # Boolean, Integer and Arithmetic elif expected_type.is_bool_type(): return mgr.Bool(arg) elif expected_type.is_int_type(): return mgr.Int(arg) elif expected_type.is_real_type(): return mgr.Real(arg) else: raise PysmtValueError("Unsupported value '%s' in infix operator" % str(arg)) def Implies(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().Implies) def Iff(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().Iff) def Equals(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().Equals) def NotEquals(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().NotEquals) @assert_infix_enabled def Ite(self, then_, else_): if isinstance(then_, FNode) and isinstance(else_, FNode): return _mgr().Ite(self, then_, else_) else: raise PysmtModeError("Cannot infix ITE with implicit argument types.") def And(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().And) def Or(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().Or) # BV def BVAnd(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().BVAnd) def BVAdd(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().BVAdd) def BVAShr(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().BVAShr) def BVComp(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().BVComp) def BVConcat(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().BVConcat) def BVExtract(self, start, stop): return _mgr().BVExtract(self, start, stop) def BVLShl(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().BVLShl) def BVLShr(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().BVLShr) def BVMul(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().BVMul) def BVNand(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().BVNand) def BVNor(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().BVNor) def BVOr(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().BVOr) def BVRepeat(self, count): return _mgr().BVRepeat(self, count) def BVRol(self, steps): return _mgr().BVRol(self, steps) def BVRor(self, steps): return _mgr().BVRor(self, steps) def BVSDiv(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().BVSDiv) def BVSExt(self, increase): return _mgr().BVSExt(self, increase) def BVSGE(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().BVSGE) def BVSGT(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().BVSGT) def BVSLE(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().BVSLE) def BVSLT(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().BVSLT) def BVSub(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().BVSub) def BVSMod(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().BVSMod) def BVSRem(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().BVSRem) def BVUDiv(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().BVUDiv) def BVUGE(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().BVUGE) def BVUGT(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().BVUGT) def BVULE(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().BVULE) def BVULT(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().BVULT) def BVURem(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().BVURem) def BVXor(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().BVXor) def BVXnor(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().BVXnor) def BVZExt(self, increase): return _mgr().BVZExt(self, increase) # Arrays def Select(self, index): return _mgr().Select(self, index) def Store(self, index, value): return _mgr().Store(self, index, value) # # Infix operators # def __add__(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().Plus, _mgr().BVAdd) def __radd__(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().Plus, _mgr().BVAdd) def __sub__(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().Minus, _mgr().BVSub) def __rsub__(self, left): # Swap operators to perform right-subtract # For BVs we might need to build the BV constant if self.get_type().is_bv_type(): if is_python_integer(left): left = _mgr().BV(left, width=self.bv_width()) return left._apply_infix(self, _mgr().BVSub) # (x - y) = (-y + x) minus_self = -self return minus_self._apply_infix(left, _mgr().Plus) def __mul__(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().Times, _mgr().BVMul) def __rmul__(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().Times, _mgr().BVMul) def __div__(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().Div, _mgr().BVUDiv) def __truediv__(self, right): return self.__div__(right) def __gt__(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().GT, _mgr().BVUGT) def __ge__(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().GE, _mgr().BVUGE) def __lt__(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().LT, _mgr().BVULT) def __le__(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, _mgr().LE, _mgr().BVULE) def __and__(self, other): return self._apply_infix(other, _mgr().And, _mgr().BVAnd) def __rand__(self, other): return self._apply_infix(other, _mgr().And, _mgr().BVAnd) def __or__(self, other): return self._apply_infix(other, _mgr().Or, _mgr().BVOr) def __ror__(self, other): return self._apply_infix(other, _mgr().Or, _mgr().BVOr) def __xor__(self, other): return self._apply_infix(other, _mgr().Xor, _mgr().BVXor) def __rxor__(self, other): return self._apply_infix(other, _mgr().Xor, _mgr().BVXor) def __neg__(self): if self.get_type().is_bv_type(): return _mgr().BVNeg(self) return self._apply_infix(-1, _mgr().Times) @assert_infix_enabled def __invert__(self): if self.get_type().is_bv_type(): return _mgr().BVNot(self) return _mgr().Not(self) @assert_infix_enabled def __getitem__(self, idx): if isinstance(idx, slice): end = idx.stop start = idx.start if start is None: start = 0 else: # Single point [idx] end = idx start = idx if self.get_type().is_bv_type(): return _mgr().BVExtract(self, start=start, end=end) raise UnsupportedOperatorError("Unsupported operation '__getitem__' on '%s'." % str(self)) def __lshift__(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, None, bv_function=_mgr().BVLShl) def __rshift__(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, None, bv_function=_mgr().BVLShr) def __mod__(self, right): return self._apply_infix(right, None, bv_function=_mgr().BVURem) @assert_infix_enabled def __call__(self, *args): if self.is_symbol() and self.symbol_type().is_function_type(): types = self.symbol_type().param_types if (len(types) != len(args)): raise PysmtValueError("Wrong number of parameters passed in " "infix 'call' operator") args = [self._infix_prepare_arg(x, t) for x,t in zip(args, types)] return _mgr().Function(self, args) else: raise PysmtValueError("Call operator can be applied to symbol " "types having function type only")
# EOC FNode def _env(): """Aux function to obtain the environment.""" return pysmt.environment.get_env() def _mgr(): """Aux function to obtain the formula manager.""" return pysmt.environment.get_env().formula_manager