Source code for pysmt.parsing

# This file is part of pySMT.
#   Copyright 2014 Andrea Micheli and Marco Gario
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.
import re
from collections import namedtuple

import pysmt.typing as types
from pysmt.environment import get_env
from pysmt.exceptions import PysmtSyntaxError, UndefinedSymbolError
from pysmt.constants import Fraction

[docs] def HRParser(env=None): """Parser for HR format of pySMT.""" return PrattParser(HRLexer, env=env)
[docs] def parse(string): """Parse an hr-string.""" return HRParser().parse(string)
# Rules for the Lexer Rule = namedtuple('Rule', ['regex', 'symbol', 'is_functional']) class Lexer(object): """This class produces a stream of token objects for the Pratt-parser. The rules for the token are store in self.rules. Call self.compile() after modifying rules. """ def __init__(self, env=None): if env is None: env = get_env() self.env = env self.mgr = env.formula_manager self.get_type = self.rules = [] self.scanner = None self.eoi = EndOfInput() def compile(self): self.scanner = re.compile("|".join(rule.regex for rule in self.rules), re.DOTALL | re.VERBOSE) def lexing_error(self, read): raise PysmtSyntaxError("Unexpected input: %s" % read) def tokenize(self, data): """The token generator for the given string""" for match in re.finditer(self.scanner, data): for idx, capture in enumerate(match.groups()): if capture is not None: rule = self.rules[idx] symbol = rule.symbol if rule.symbol is not None: if rule.is_functional: yield symbol(capture) else: yield symbol break yield self.eoi # EOC Lexer class GrammarSymbol(object): """Base class for all the parsing tokens""" def __init__(self, lbp=0, value=None, payload=None): self.lbp = lbp self.value = value self.payload = payload def nud(self, parser): raise PysmtSyntaxError("Syntax error at token '%s'." % parser.token) def led(self, parser, left): raise PysmtSyntaxError("Syntax error at token '%s' (Read: '%s')." % \ (parser.token, left)) # # Precedence table (from low priority to high priority): # # 10 : Xor, Implies, Iff # 20 : Forall, Exists # 30 : Or # 40 : And # 50 : Not # 60 : LE, LT, Equals, GE, GT, BVULE, BVUGE, BVULT, BVUGT, BVSLE, BVSGE, BVSGT # 70 : Plus, Minus, BVAdd, BVSub # 80 : Times, Div, BVMul, BVUDiv, BVSDiv, BVSRem, BVURem # 90 : BVLShl, BVLShr, BVAShr, BVConcat, BVXor, BVRor, BVRol, BVZExt, BVSExt, BVComp # 100 : ToReal Uminus BVNeg BVToNat # 200 : () # 300 : [] class HRLexer(Lexer): """Produces a stream of token objects for the Human-Readable format.""" def __init__(self, env=None): Lexer.__init__(self, env=env) hr_rules = [ Rule(r"(\s+)", None, False), # whitespace Rule(r"(-?\d+/\d+)", self.real_constant, True), # fractions Rule(r"(-?\d+\.\d+)", self.real_constant, True),# decimals Rule(r"(-?\d+_\d+)", self.bv_constant, True),# bv Rule(r"(-?\d+)", self.int_constant, True),# integer literals Rule(r"\"(.*?)\"", self.string_constant, True), # String Constant Rule(r"BV\{(\d+)\}", self.bv_type, True),# BV Type Rule(r"(Array\{)", OpenArrayTypeTok(), False),# Array Type Rule(r"(Int)", IntTypeTok(), False),# Int Type Rule(r"(Real)", RealTypeTok(), False),# Real Type Rule(r"(Bool)", BoolTypeTok(), False),# Bool Type Rule(r"(&)", InfixOpAdapter(self.AndOrBVAnd, 40), False),# conjunction Rule(r"(\|)", InfixOpAdapter(self.OrOrBVOr, 30), False),# disjunction Rule(r"(!)", UnaryOpAdapter(self.NotOrBVNot, 50), False),# negation Rule(r"(\()", OpenPar(), False),# open parenthesis Rule(r"(\))", ClosePar(), False),# closed parenthesis Rule(r"(\[)", OpenBrak(), False),# open parenthesis Rule(r"(\])", CloseBrak(), False),# closed parenthesis Rule(r"(\})", CloseBrace(), False),# closed parenthesis Rule(r"(<<)", InfixOpAdapter(self.mgr.BVLShl, 90), False),# Shl Rule(r"(>>)", InfixOpAdapter(self.mgr.BVLShr, 90), False),# Shr Rule(r"(a>>)", InfixOpAdapter(self.mgr.BVAShr, 90), False),# AShr Rule(r"(<->)", InfixOpAdapter(self.mgr.Iff, 10), False),# iff Rule(r"(->)", InfixOpAdapter(self.mgr.Implies, 10), False),# implies Rule(r"(u<=)", InfixOpAdapter(self.mgr.BVULE, 60), False),# bvule Rule(r"(u>=)", InfixOpAdapter(self.mgr.BVUGE, 60), False),# bvuge Rule(r"(u<)", InfixOpAdapter(self.mgr.BVULT, 60), False),# bvult Rule(r"(u>)", InfixOpAdapter(self.mgr.BVUGT, 60), False),# bvugt Rule(r"(s<=)", InfixOpAdapter(self.mgr.BVSLE, 60), False),# bvsle Rule(r"(s>=)", InfixOpAdapter(self.mgr.BVSGE, 60), False),# bvsge Rule(r"(s<)", InfixOpAdapter(self.mgr.BVSLT, 60), False),# bvslt Rule(r"(s>)", InfixOpAdapter(self.mgr.BVSGT, 60), False),# bvsgt Rule(r"(>=)", InfixOpAdapter(self.mgr.GE, 60), False),# ge Rule(r"(<=)", InfixOpAdapter(self.mgr.LE, 60), False),# le Rule(r"(>)", InfixOpAdapter(self.mgr.GT, 60), False),# gt Rule(r"(<)", InfixOpAdapter(self.mgr.LT, 60), False),# lt Rule(r"(=)", InfixOpAdapter(self.mgr.Equals, 60), False),# eq Rule(r"(\+)", InfixOpAdapter(self.PlusOrBVAdd, 70), False),# plus Rule(r"(-)", InfixOrUnaryOpAdapter(self.MinusOrBVSub, self.UMinusOrBvNeg, 70, 100), False),# minus Rule(r"(\*)", InfixOpAdapter(self.TimesOrBVMul, 80), False),# times Rule(r"(\^)", InfixOpAdapter(self.mgr.Pow, 80), False),# pow Rule(r"(u/)", InfixOpAdapter(self.mgr.BVUDiv, 80), False),# udiv Rule(r"(s/)", InfixOpAdapter(self.mgr.BVSDiv, 80), False),# sdiv Rule(r"(/)", InfixOpAdapter(self.mgr.Div, 80), False),# div Rule(r"(s%)", InfixOpAdapter(self.mgr.BVSRem, 80), False),# srem Rule(r"(u%)", InfixOpAdapter(self.mgr.BVURem, 80), False),# urem Rule(r"(\?)", ExprIf(), False), # question Rule(r"(:=)", ArrStore(), False),# ArrStore Rule(r"(::)", InfixOpAdapter(self.mgr.BVConcat, 90), False),# BVXor Rule(r"(:)", ExprElse(), False),# colon Rule(r"(False)", Constant(self.mgr.FALSE()), False), # False Rule(r"(True)", Constant(self.mgr.TRUE()), False),# True Rule(r"(,)", ExprComma(), False),# comma Rule(r"(\.)", ExprDot(), False),# dot Rule(r"(xor)", InfixOpAdapter(self.mgr.BVXor, 10), False),# BVXor Rule(r"(ROR)", InfixOpAdapter(self.BVHack(self.mgr.BVRor), 90), False),# BVRor Rule(r"(ROL)", InfixOpAdapter(self.BVHack(self.mgr.BVRol), 90), False),# BVRol Rule(r"(ZEXT)", InfixOpAdapter(self.BVHack(self.mgr.BVZExt), 90), False),# BVZext Rule(r"(SEXT)", InfixOpAdapter(self.BVHack(self.mgr.BVSExt), 90), False),# BVSext Rule(r"(bvcomp)", InfixOpAdapter(self.mgr.BVComp, 90), False),# Rule(r"(forall)", Quantifier(self.mgr.ForAll, 20), False),# Rule(r"(exists)", Quantifier(self.mgr.Exists, 20), False),# Rule(r"(ToReal)", UnaryOpAdapter(self.mgr.ToReal, 100), False),# Rule(r"(str\.len)", FunctionCallAdapter(self.mgr.StrLength, 100), False), # str_length Rule(r"(str\.\+\+)", FunctionCallAdapter(self.mgr.StrConcat, 100), False), # str_concat Rule(r"(str\.at)", FunctionCallAdapter(self.mgr.StrCharAt, 100), False), # str_charat Rule(r"(str\.contains)", FunctionCallAdapter(self.mgr.StrContains, 100), False), # str_contains Rule(r"(str\.indexof)", FunctionCallAdapter(self.mgr.StrIndexOf, 100), False), # str_indexof Rule(r"(str\.replace)", FunctionCallAdapter(self.mgr.StrReplace, 100), False), # str_replace Rule(r"(str\.substr)", FunctionCallAdapter(self.mgr.StrSubstr, 100), False), # str_substr Rule(r"(str\.prefixof)", FunctionCallAdapter(self.mgr.StrPrefixOf, 100), False), # str_prefixof Rule(r"(str\.suffixof)", FunctionCallAdapter(self.mgr.StrSuffixOf, 100), False), # str_suffixof Rule(r"(str\.to\.int)", FunctionCallAdapter(self.mgr.StrToInt, 100), False), # str_to_int Rule(r"(int\.to\.str)", FunctionCallAdapter(self.mgr.IntToStr, 100), False), # int_to_str Rule(r"(bv2nat)", UnaryOpAdapter(self.mgr.BVToNatural, 100), False),# Rule(r"'(.*?)'", self.identifier, True), # quoted identifiers Rule(r"([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)", self.identifier, True),# identifiers Rule(r"(.)", self.lexing_error, True), # input error ] self.rules += hr_rules self.compile() def bv_type(self, read): return BVTypeTok(int(read)) def real_constant(self, read): return Constant(self.mgr.Real(Fraction(read))) def bv_constant(self, read): v, w = read.split("_") return Constant(self.mgr.BV(int(v), width=int(w))) def int_constant(self, read): return Constant(self.mgr.Int(int(read))) def string_constant(self, read): return Constant(self.mgr.String(read)) def identifier(self, read): return Identifier(read, env=self.env) def UMinusOrBvNeg(self, x): ty = self.get_type(x) if ty.is_int_type(): return self.mgr.Times(self.mgr.Int(-1), x) elif ty.is_real_type(): return self.mgr.Times(self.mgr.Real(-1), x) else: return self.mgr.BVNeg(x) def AndOrBVAnd(self, l, r): if self.get_type(l).is_bool_type(): return self.mgr.And(l, r) else: return self.mgr.BVAnd(l, r) def OrOrBVOr(self, l, r): if self.get_type(l).is_bool_type(): return self.mgr.Or(l, r) else: return self.mgr.BVOr(l, r) def NotOrBVNot(self, x): if self.get_type(x).is_bool_type(): return self.mgr.Not(x) else: return self.mgr.BVNot(x) def PlusOrBVAdd(self, l, r): if self.get_type(l).is_bv_type(): return self.mgr.BVAdd(l, r) else: return self.mgr.Plus(l, r) def MinusOrBVSub(self, l, r): if self.get_type(l).is_bv_type(): return self.mgr.BVSub(l, r) else: return self.mgr.Minus(l, r) def TimesOrBVMul(self, l, r): if self.get_type(l).is_bv_type(): return self.mgr.BVMul(l, r) else: return self.mgr.Times(l, r) def BVHack(self, op): def _res(a, b): if b.is_constant(): return op(a, b.constant_value()) else: raise PysmtSyntaxError("Constant expected, got '%s'" % b) return _res # EOC HRLexer # # Grammar tokens # # Placeholder tokens class CloseBrace(GrammarSymbol): pass class ArrStore(GrammarSymbol): pass class BVTypeTok(GrammarSymbol): def __init__(self, width): GrammarSymbol.__init__(self) self.width = width def nud(self, parser): return types.BVType(self.width) class IntTypeTok(GrammarSymbol): def nud(self, parser): return types.INT class RealTypeTok(GrammarSymbol): def nud(self, parser): return types.REAL class BoolTypeTok(GrammarSymbol): def nud(self, parser): return types.BOOL class Constant(GrammarSymbol): def __init__(self, value): GrammarSymbol.__init__(self) self.value = value def nud(self, parser): return self.value class Identifier(GrammarSymbol): def __init__(self, name, env): GrammarSymbol.__init__(self) self.value = env.formula_manager.get_symbol(name) if self.value is None: raise UndefinedSymbolError(name) def nud(self, parser): return self.value class ExprIf(GrammarSymbol): def __init__(self): GrammarSymbol.__init__(self) self.lbp = 5 def led(self, parser, left): cond_ = left then_ = parser.expression(self.lbp) parser.expect(ExprElse, ':') else_ = parser.expression(self.lbp) return parser.mgr.Ite(cond_, then_, else_) class OpenArrayTypeTok(GrammarSymbol): def __init__(self): GrammarSymbol.__init__(self) self.lbp = 5 def nud(self, parser): idx_type = parser.expression() parser.expect(ExprComma, ",") el_type = parser.expression() parser.expect(CloseBrace, "}") if type(parser.token) == OpenPar: parser.advance() default = parser.expression() parser.expect(ClosePar, ")") return parser.mgr.Array(idx_type, default) else: return types.ArrayType(idx_type, el_type) class OpenPar(GrammarSymbol): def __init__(self): GrammarSymbol.__init__(self) self.lbp = 200 def nud(self, parser): r = parser.expression() if type(parser.token) != ClosePar: raise SyntaxError("Expected ')', got '%s'" % parser.token) parser.advance() return r def led(self, parser, left): # a function call fun = left params = [] if type(parser.token) != ClosePar: while True: r = parser.expression() params.append(r) if type(parser.token) != ExprComma: break parser.advance() parser.expect(ClosePar, ")") return parser.mgr.Function(fun, params) class OpenBrak(GrammarSymbol): def __init__(self): GrammarSymbol.__init__(self) self.lbp = 300 def led(self, parser, left): # BVExtract, Select or Store op = left e1 = parser.expression() if type(parser.token) == ExprElse: #BVExtract parser.advance() end = parser.expression() parser.expect(CloseBrak, "]") return parser.mgr.BVExtract(op, e1.constant_value(), end.constant_value()) elif type(parser.token) == CloseBrak: # Select parser.advance() return parser.mgr.Select(op, e1) elif type(parser.token) == ArrStore: #Store parser.advance() e2 = parser.expression() parser.expect(CloseBrak, "]") return parser.mgr.Store(op, e1, e2) else: raise PysmtSyntaxError("Unexpected token:" + str(parser.token)) class Quantifier(GrammarSymbol): def __init__(self, operator, lbp): GrammarSymbol.__init__(self) self.operator = operator self.lbp = lbp def nud(self, parser): qvars = [] if type(parser.token) != ExprDot: while True: r = parser.expression() qvars.append(r) if type(parser.token) != ExprComma: break parser.advance() parser.expect(ExprDot, ".") matrix = parser.expression(self.lbp) return self.operator(qvars, matrix) class PrattParser(object): """The Pratt-Parser This parser is explained in: The LexerClass is required, and is the one doing the heavy lifting. """ def __init__(self, LexerClass, env=None): if env is None: env = get_env() self.env = env self.mgr = env.formula_manager self.get_type = self.lexer = LexerClass(env) self.token = None self.tokenizer = None def expression(self, rbp=0): """Parses an expression""" t = self.token self.token = next(self.tokenizer) left = t.nud(self) while rbp < self.token.lbp: t = self.token self.token = next(self.tokenizer) left = t.led(self, left) return left def parse_fname(self, fname): """Parses the content of the given file name""" with open(fname, "r") as f: return self.parse( def parse(self, string): """Parses the content of the given string""" self.token = None self.tokenizer = self.lexer.tokenize(string) self.token = next(self.tokenizer) result = self.expression() try: bd = next(self.tokenizer) raise PysmtSyntaxError("Bogus data after expression: '%s' " "(Partial: %s)" % (bd, result)) except StopIteration: return result def advance(self): """Advance reading of one token""" self.token = next(self.tokenizer) def expect(self, token_class, token_repr): """ Check that the next token is the specified one or fail with a ParserError """ if type(self.token) != token_class: raise PysmtSyntaxError("Expected '%s'" % token_repr) self.advance() # EOC PrattParser # # Adapters # # These are adapters used to create tokens for various types of symbols # class EndOfInput(GrammarSymbol): pass class UnaryOpAdapter(GrammarSymbol): """Adapter for unary operator.""" def __init__(self, operator, lbp): GrammarSymbol.__init__(self) self.operator = operator self.lbp = lbp def nud(self, parser): right = parser.expression(self.lbp) return self.operator(right) class InfixOpAdapter(GrammarSymbol): """Adapter for infix operator.""" def __init__(self, operator, lbp): GrammarSymbol.__init__(self) self.operator = operator self.lbp = lbp def led(self, parser, left): right = parser.expression(self.lbp) return self.operator(left, right) def __repr__(self): return repr(self.operator) class InfixOrUnaryOpAdapter(GrammarSymbol): """Adapter for operators that can be both binary infix or unary. b_operator and b_lbp: define the behavior when considering the symbol as a binary operator. u_operator and u_lbp: define the behavior when considering the symbol as a unary operator. """ def __init__(self, b_operator, u_operator, b_lbp, u_lbp): GrammarSymbol.__init__(self) self.b_operator = b_operator self.u_operator = u_operator self.lbp = b_lbp self.u_lbp = u_lbp def nud(self, parser): right = parser.expression(self.u_lbp) return self.u_operator(right) def led(self, parser, left): right = parser.expression(self.lbp) return self.b_operator(left, right) class FunctionCallAdapter(GrammarSymbol): """Adapter for function calls.""" def __init__(self, operator, lbp): GrammarSymbol.__init__(self) self.operator = operator self.lbp = lbp def nud(self, parser): parser.advance() # OpenPar params = [] if type(parser.token) != ClosePar: while True: r = parser.expression() params.append(r) if type(parser.token) != ExprComma: break parser.advance() if type(parser.token) != ClosePar: raise SyntaxError("Expected ')'") parser.advance() return self.operator(*params) def __repr__(self): return repr(self.operator) class ClosePar(GrammarSymbol): pass class CloseBrak(GrammarSymbol): pass class ExprElse(GrammarSymbol): pass class ExprDot(GrammarSymbol): pass class ExprComma(GrammarSymbol): pass