Source code for pysmt.typing

# This file is part of pySMT.
#   Copyright 2014 Andrea Micheli and Marco Gario
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.
"""This module defines the types of the formulae handled by pySMT.

In the current version these are:
 * Bool
 * Int
 * Real
 * BVType
 * FunctionType
 * ArrayType

Types are represented by singletons. Basic types (Bool, Int and Real)
are constructed here by default, while BVType and FunctionType relies
on a factory service. Each BitVector width is represented by a
different instance of BVType.

import pysmt

from pysmt.exceptions import PysmtValueError, PysmtModeError

[docs]class PySMTType(object): """Class for representing a type within pySMT. Instances of this class are used to represent sorts. The subclass FunctionType is used to represent function declarations. """ def __init__(self, decl=None, basename=None, args=None): if decl: self.decl = decl self.basename = self.arity = decl.arity if (args and self.arity != len(args)) or \ (not args and self.arity != 0): raise PysmtValueError("Invalid number of arguments. " + "Expected %d, got %d." % (self.arity, len(args))) self.custom_type = decl.custom_type else: self.basename = basename self.arity = len(args) if args else 0 self.custom_type = False self.args = args if self.args: args_str = "{%s}" % ", ".join(str(a) for a in self.args) else: args_str = "" if self.basename: = self.basename + args_str else: = None def is_bool_type(self): return False def is_real_type(self): return False def is_int_type(self): return False def is_bv_type(self, width=None): #pylint: disable=unused-argument return False def is_array_type(self): return False def is_string_type(self): return False def is_function_type(self): return False def is_custom_type(self): return self.custom_type def __hash__(self): return hash( def __eq__(self, other): if other is None: return False if self is other: return True if self.basename == other.basename: return self.args == other.args return False def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __repr__(self): if is None: return self.__class__.__name__ return def as_smtlib(self, funstyle=True): name = if self.args: args = " ".join([arg.as_smtlib(funstyle=False) \ for arg in self.args]) name = "(" + self.basename + " " + args + ")" if funstyle: return "() %s" % name else: return name def __str__(self): return
# EOC PySMTType # Basic Types Declarations class _BoolType(PySMTType): def __init__(self): decl = _TypeDecl("Bool", 0) PySMTType.__init__(self, decl=decl, args=None) def is_bool_type(self): return True class _IntType(PySMTType): def __init__(self): decl = _TypeDecl("Int", 0) PySMTType.__init__(self, decl=decl, args=None) def is_int_type(self): return True class _RealType(PySMTType): def __init__(self): decl = _TypeDecl("Real", 0) PySMTType.__init__(self, decl=decl, args=None) def is_real_type(self): return True class _StringType(PySMTType): def __init__(self): decl = _TypeDecl("String", 0) PySMTType.__init__(self, decl=decl, args=None) def is_string_type(self): return True # End Basic Types Declarations class _ArrayType(PySMTType): """Internal class used to represent an Array type. This class should not be instantiated directly, but the factory method ArrayType should be used instead. """ _instances = {} def __init__(self, index_type, elem_type): decl = _TypeDecl("Array", 2) PySMTType.__init__(self, decl=decl, args=(index_type, elem_type)) @property def elem_type(self): """Returns the element type. E.g., A: (Array Int Real) Returns RealType. """ return self.args[1] @property def index_type(self): """Returns the index type. E.g., A: (Array Int Real) Returns IntType. """ return self.args[0] def is_array_type(self): return True # EOC _ArrayType class _BVType(PySMTType): """Internal class to represent a BitVector type. This class should not be instantiated directly, but the factory method BVType should be used instead. """ _instances = {} def __init__(self, width=32): decl = _TypeDecl("BV{%d}" % width, 0) PySMTType.__init__(self, decl=decl, args=None) self._width = width @property def width(self): return self._width def is_bv_type(self, width=None): if width: return self.width == width return True def as_smtlib(self, funstyle=True): if funstyle: return "() (_ BitVec %d)" % self.width else: return "(_ BitVec %d)" % self.width def __eq__(self, other): if PySMTType.__eq__(self, other): return True if other is not None and other.is_bv_type(): return self.width == other.width return False def __hash__(self): return hash(self.width) # EOC _BVType class _FunctionType(PySMTType): """Internal class used to represent a Function type. This class should not be instantiated directly, but the factory method FunctionType should be used instead. """ _instances = {} def __init__(self, return_type, param_types): PySMTType.__init__(self) self._return_type = return_type self._param_types = tuple(param_types) self._hash = hash(return_type) + sum(hash(p) for p in param_types) # Note: # An underlying assumption of this module is that # PySMTType.args can be used as key to identify a given type # instance. This means that all subtypes are accessible # through args (similarly as how we do FNode.args). # # This means that # - Hashing can use args as a key # - Navigating the type tree (e.g., during normalization) # only works on args. # # In order to make this possible, we need to combine the # return typ and param_types for FunctionType. self.args = (self._return_type,) + self.param_types self.arity = len(self.args) return @property def param_types(self): """Returns the arguments of the Function Type. E.g., F: (Bool -> Bool) -> Real Returns [BoolType, BoolType]. """ return self._param_types @property def return_type(self): """Returns the return type of the Function Type. E.g., F: (Bool -> Bool) -> Real Returns RealType. """ return self._return_type def as_smtlib(self, funstyle=True): args = [p.as_smtlib(False) for p in self.param_types] rtype = self.return_type.as_smtlib(False) if funstyle: res = "(%s) %s" % (" ".join(args), rtype) else: res = " -> ".join(args+[rtype]) return res def __str__(self): return " -> ".join([str(p) for p in self.param_types] + [str(self.return_type)]) def is_function_type(self): return True def __eq__(self, other): if other is None: return False if self is other: return True if other.is_function_type(): if self.return_type == other.return_type and\ self.param_types == other.param_types: return True return False def __hash__(self): return self._hash class _TypeDecl(object): """Create a new Type Declaration (sort). This is equivalent to the SMT-LIB command "declare-sort". NOTE: This object is **not** a Type, but a Type Declaration. """ def __init__(self, name, arity): = name self.arity = arity self.custom_type = False def __call__(self, *args): env = pysmt.environment.get_env() # Note: This uses the global type manager if not env.enable_infix_notation: raise PysmtModeError("Infix notation disabled. " "Use type_manager.get_type_instance instead.") return env.type_manager.get_type_instance(self, *args) def __str__(self): return "%s/%s" % (, self.arity) def set_custom_type_flag(self): assert self.custom_type == False self.custom_type = True # EOC _TypeDecl
[docs]class PartialType(object): """PartialType allows to delay the definition of a Type. A partial type is equivalent to SMT-LIB "define-sort" command. """ def __init__(self, name, definition): = name self.definition = definition def __str__(self): return "PartialType(%s)" % ( def __call__(self, *args): return self.definition(*args)
# # Singletons for the basic types # BOOL = _BoolType() REAL = _RealType() INT = _IntType() STRING = _StringType() PYSMT_TYPES = frozenset([BOOL, REAL, INT]) # Helper Constants BV1, BV8, BV16, BV32, BV64, BV128 = [_BVType(i) for i in [1, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128]] ARRAY_INT_INT = _ArrayType(INT,INT) class TypeManager(object): def __init__(self, environment): self._bv_types = {} self._function_types = {} self._array_types = {} self._custom_types = {} self._custom_types_decl = {} self._bool = None self._real = None self._int = None self._string = None # self.load_global_types() self.environment = environment def load_global_types(self): """Register basic global types within the TypeManager.""" for bvtype in (BV1, BV8, BV16, BV32, BV64, BV128): self._bv_types[bvtype.width] = bvtype self._array_types[(INT, INT)] = ARRAY_INT_INT self._bool = BOOL self._real = REAL self._int = INT self._string = STRING def BOOL(self): return self._bool def REAL(self): return self._real def INT(self): return self._int def STRING(self): return self._string def BVType(self, width=32): """Returns the singleton associated to the BV type for the given width. This function takes care of building and registering the type whenever needed. To see the functions provided by the type look at _BVType. """ try: ty = self._bv_types[width] except KeyError: ty = _BVType(width=width) self._bv_types[width] = ty return ty def FunctionType(self, return_type, param_types): """Returns the singleton of the Function type with the given arguments. This function takes care of building and registering the type whenever needed. To see the functions provided by the type look at _FunctionType Note: If the list of parameters is empty, the function is equivalent to the return type. """ param_types = tuple(param_types) key = (return_type, param_types) # 0-arity function types are equivalent to the return type if len(param_types) == 0: return return_type try: ty = self._function_types[key] except KeyError: assert_is_type(return_type, __name__) assert_are_types(param_types, __name__) ty = _FunctionType(return_type=return_type, param_types=param_types) self._function_types[key] = ty return ty def ArrayType(self, index_type, elem_type): """Returns the singleton of the Array type with the given arguments. This function takes care of building and registering the type whenever needed. To see the functions provided by the type look at _ArrayType """ key = (index_type, elem_type) try: ty = self._array_types[key] except KeyError: assert_are_types((index_type, elem_type), __name__) ty = _ArrayType(index_type, elem_type) self._array_types[key] = ty return ty def Type(self, name, arity=0): """Creates a new Type Declaration (sort declaration). This is equivalent to the SMT-LIB command "declare-sort". For sorts of arity 0, we return a PySMTType, all other sorts need to be instantiated. See class _Type. """ try: td = self._custom_types_decl[name] if td.arity != arity: raise PysmtValueError("Type %s previously declared with arity "\ " %d." % (name, td.arity)) except KeyError: td = _TypeDecl(name, arity) td.set_custom_type_flag() self._custom_types_decl[name] = td if td.arity == 0: # Automatically instantiate 0-arity types return self.get_type_instance(td) return td def get_type_instance(self, type_decl, *args): """Creates an instance of the TypeDecl with the given arguments.""" assert_are_types(args, __name__) key = (type_decl, tuple(args)) if args is not None else type_decl try: ty = self._custom_types[key] except KeyError: ty = PySMTType(decl=type_decl, args=args) self._custom_types[key] = ty return ty def normalize(self, type_): """Recursively recreate the given type within the manager. This proceeds iteratively on the structure of the type tree. """ stack = [type_] typemap = {} while stack: ty = stack.pop() if ty.arity == 0: if (ty.is_bool_type() or ty.is_int_type() or ty.is_real_type() or ty.is_string_type()): myty = ty elif ty.is_bv_type(): myty = self.BVType(ty.width) else: myty = self.Type(ty.basename, arity=0) typemap[ty] = myty else: missing = [subtype for subtype in ty.args\ if subtype not in typemap] if missing: # At least one type still needs to be converted stack.append(ty) stack += missing else: if ty.is_array_type(): index_type = typemap[ty.index_type] elem_type = typemap[ty.elem_type] myty = self.ArrayType(index_type, elem_type) elif ty.is_function_type(): param_types = (typemap[a] for a in ty.param_types) return_type = typemap[ty.return_type] myty = self.FunctionType(return_type, param_types) else: # Custom Type typedecl = self.Type(type_.basename, type_.arity) new_args = tuple(typemap[a] for a in type_.args) myty = self.get_type_instance(typedecl, *new_args) typemap[ty] = myty return typemap[type_] # EOC TypeManager # Util def assert_is_type(target, func_name): if not isinstance(target, PySMTType): raise PysmtValueError("Invalid type '%s' in %s." % (target, func_name)) def assert_are_types(targets, func_name): for target in targets: assert_is_type(target, func_name)
[docs]def BVType(width=32): """Returns the BV type for the given width.""" mgr = pysmt.environment.get_env().type_manager return mgr.BVType(width=width)
[docs]def FunctionType(return_type, param_types): """Returns Function Type with the given arguments.""" mgr = pysmt.environment.get_env().type_manager return mgr.FunctionType(return_type=return_type, param_types=param_types)
[docs]def ArrayType(index_type, elem_type): """Returns the Array type with the given arguments.""" mgr = pysmt.environment.get_env().type_manager return mgr.ArrayType(index_type=index_type, elem_type=elem_type)
[docs]def Type(name, arity=0): """Returns the Type Declaration with the given name (sort declaration).""" mgr = pysmt.environment.get_env().type_manager return mgr.Type(name=name, arity=arity)